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Bench Talk for Design Engineers

Bench Talk


Bench Talk for Design Engineers | The Official Blog of Mouser Electronics

Mouser’s STEAMy Summer: Part 1 of 3 Mike Parks
This STEAM-inspired three-article series will explore the available resources to assist you and your kids on a maker’s adventure and walk you through an embedded electronics project. We will cover the design, build, and code for the project as well as discuss how the data from the project can be useful to develop analytical and critical thinking skills.

Work Smarter with Mouser Tools: Project and Cart Sharing Justin Risedorf
Sometimes, sharing is hard. Second graders know it and so do we. That’s why we’ve created Project and Cart Sharing, which are two new features that enable you to collaborate with others more efficiently. When you’re shopping on mouser.com, you can either add items to your Project Manager or add them directly to your Cart. Though both platforms store the items you need, each serves its own purpose.

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